March 13, 2020

First Student Sisters and Brothers,

In these times of fear and uncertainty, good news can be hard to come by. And yet, today, your Union has some news for you that is not only good, but great: Teamsters Local 174 has managed to secure you all a deal wherein you will continue to be compensated during the time you are off work due to the closure of the Seattle School District. Just as those employed directly by the District – such as teachers, custodians, etc. – will continue to receive their paychecks, so you shall all be paid your bid hours (please note there are no ASA hours).

You will recall that when the Seattle School District closure was first announced, it did not appear that you would be receiving pay during this time, as you are not employed directly by the District. This was obviously going to be a major problem, especially as the District intended to keep paying all of its other employees. However, when Teamsters Local 174 and First Student approached the District and the State and said “this is not going to work, you cannot treat our people differently – our drivers deserve to be paid as well,” we are proud to say they listened. The Teamsters, First Student, the Seattle School District, and the State of Washington all came together to find a way to solve the problem in a manner that will work very well for all of you. This is a direct demonstration of the power of solidarity and having a Union at your back!

We all have plenty to worry about as COVID-19 continues to spread through our communities. But at least, we can be thankful that we do not need to worry about economic harm brought onto us by the sudden lack of a consistent paycheck. Please be sure to prioritize the health of yourself and your family, as well as your community. Meanwhile, we will all continue to hope that this pandemic passes quickly so that life can return to some semblance of normal.


In Solidarity,

Rick Hicks – Local 174 Secretary-Treasurer
Executive Board of Teamsters Local 174
Patty Warren – Local 174 Director of Negotiations
Abraham Taylor – Local 174 Senior Business Agent

Teamsters Local Union No. 174