Office Staff
Carol McNeilly, Executive Assistant
Carol was hired in March 2016 as an Administrative Assistant. Her previous work experience includes 14 years in City Government, serving as City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk for two Washington municipalities. She is happy to be working at Local 174 and has met some great people in the time that she has been here. One thing she has noticed about the individuals who work in this field is the shared interest in helping others. This is something Carol enjoys as well, helping both internal and external customers in her role.
Jennifer Holland, Clerical Office Staff/Bookkeeper
Jennifer joined the Local 174 staff in November 2016. For the past nine years, she worked for an Appliance Distributor on the order desk, and prior to that she spent eleven years as a waitress at a Country Club. She comes from a long history of customer service and enjoys working with people. She is excited to be working at Local 174 and looks forward to meeting and getting to know all of the great Teamster members.
Janet Rubino, Dispatcher/Hiring Hall Coordinator
Janet joined our staff in the spring of 2020, just as the COVID-19 pandemic forced our office closure. Since then, she has worked tirelessly in support of the members of Teamsters Local 174 despite having never met most of them. She looks forward to the end of the pandemic, when she can cheerfully greet members in our office once again!
Janet comes to us from the dental field, where she worked in customer service for years. She has a passion for helping people, and is fluent in both English and Spanish. We are lucky to have her on our team!
Maria Mendez, Clerical Office Staff
Maria joined the staff of Teamsters Local 174 in early 2023 after 12 years working as an Administrative Assistant at the Carpenters Union. She loves the different pace and environment working with Teamsters, is a wonderful asset to our staff!
Maria speaks English and Spanish, and is happily married with a son in college. Welcome, Maria!
Melissa Hart, Clerical Office Staff
Melissa is the most recent addition to our front office staff. She comes to us after spending 17 years working in admin and accounting in the beer industry, looking for a change in scenery and new challenges. She loves helping people and is another great addition to our team!
Liz Beccari, Clerical Office Staff
Liz Beccari joined Teamsters Local Union 174 in the summer of 2024. She is graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree from Washington State University. Her fight for social justice began with her work at the Administrative Office of the Courts as a research intern. She managed jury demographic surveys and ensured data integrity. She had the opportunity to present her research findings to the Washington State Supreme Court. Her passion for the labor movement influenced her decision to apply to law school. She hopes to continue her advocacy for worker’s rights as a union attorney someday. She is fluent in Vietnamese and English.