Strong Agreement locks in major increases for workers at grocery retailer

Nearly 200 drivers and dispatchers working out of the Safeway Distribution Center voted this weekend to ratify a strong new contract by more than 90%, locking in historic gains during a time of turmoil as Safeway attempts to complete a merger with Kroger nationwide. The new Agreement includes strong economic improvements, and provides new benefits to reward members for the work they do ensuring Safeway stores are stocked with product.

More specifically, in addition to making meaningful increases to wages and pension and maintaining the current excellent healthcare plan, the new contract also brings workers access to the Legal Services Trust Fund, improves sick leave, and protects and insources Teamster work. Even more importantly, the contract spells out in ironclad terms that our members remain protected by the contract no matter who ends up owning the company as Safeway’s merger efforts continue.

“This is one of the hardest working groups of Teamsters you’ll ever meet, and they certainly deserve every increase they are about to receive due to the difficult and dangerous nature of their work,” said Teamsters Local 174 Secretary-Treasurer Rick Hicks. “This is truly a 24/7/365 job, as Safeway stores never stop requiring new product for delivery, and these workers put in countless hours away from their families to make sure the rest of us have what we need. Together, and in partnership with our sister Local 117 and the militancy their rank-and-file bargaining committee members displayed, we have just demonstrated what can truly be accomplished when we act in solidarity. With new leadership under Secretary-Treasurer of Local 117, Paul Dascher, we were able to deliver this historic contract which will ensure these nearly 650 workers at Locals 117 and Local 174 are taken care of no matter what happens in this industry elsewhere in the country.”

Founded in 1909, Teamsters Local 174 represents 8,400 working men and women in the Seattle area. “Like” us on Facebook at

Teamsters Local Union No. 174